Sons of Ymir

Dwarf Brewmaster

Dwarf Brewmaster - Highlands Miniatures This fantastic characterful special edition model is designed by Highlands Miniatures, to commemorate their th...

Dwarf Crossbowmen

A regiment of dwarves armed with crossbowsPlease note this listing is for the crossbowmen regiment only. The barricades shown in some of the renders a...

Dwarf Firespitters

Dwarf Firespitters This listing is for a regiment of 10 assorted figures including full command, or for the three command figures, or 5 assorted core ...

Dwarf Huscarls Shields

Shields from the Dwarf Huscarls models from highlands miniaturesThese are intended for use with their Sons of Ymir range, but are compatible with most...

Dwarf Miners

Dwarf Miners A regiment of elite dwarf infantry with pickaxesThis listing is for a regiment of assorted figures including full command, or for the thr...

Dwarf Mountain Lord

Dwarf Mountain Lord A single dwarf lord miniature, available in a range of scales. The dwarf mountain lord model continues the theme of the dwarf rang...

Dwarf Pikemen

Landsknecht style Dwarf SpearmenA regiment of dwarf pikemen. Perhaps these dwarves are citizens of the empire, recruited to form dwarven militia units...

Dwarf Pirates

Dwarf Slayer pirates - Highlands MiniaturesThere are 12 Separate models, including standard bearer, musician and champion.The champion id available wi...

Dwarf Rangers

Dwarf Rangers Regiment A regiment of dwarves armed with crossbows, spears, axes and throwing axes.These rangers come with a selection of weapon option...

Dwarf Sea Lord

Dwarf Lord - Highlands MiniaturesA single dwarf sea lord miniature, with ship prow basing detail, available in a range of scales.

Dwarf Veterans

Dwarf Long Bearded Veterans - Highlands MiniaturesA regiment of dwarf veterans with long beards. Armed with either axe and shield or great axes.

Heavy Mounted Dwarves

Dwarf Heavy Cavalry A regiment of Dwarf heavy cavalry, mounted on bears.This listing is for a regiment of assorted figures including full command, or ...

Mounted Dwarves

Dwarf CavalryA regiment of Dwarf light cavalry, riding goats.This listing is for a regiment of assorted figures including full command, or for the thr...

The Dwarf Lord

Dwarf Lord - Highlands MiniaturesA single dwarf lord miniature with or without scenic elements, available in a range of scales. 

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