Lost Kingdom Miniatures

Lost Kingdom Miniatures are a small Spanish company, founded in 2016 in Valencia, dedicated to the creation of 30 mm Fantasy miniatures.

So, it is an honour to be able to bring you these incredible models, and we want you to enjoy them as much as we did when we first saw them.

Ancient Feldrak

An enormous Ancient Feldrak lost kingdom miniatures.This model is HugeA stunning centre piece to your army of chaos beasts

Bái Zé

An enormous Bái Zé from lost kingdom miniatures.A stunning centre piece to your dark elf army

Chosen of Nukuja

A unit of elite warriors marked out and chosen by to the dark god of sorceryThis unit of veteran warriors form lost kingdom miniatures make a great ce...

Clawed Fiend Hero

A mighty daemonic hero.This hero can be used to lead a unit of clawed fiends, or as a single monstrous unit in his own right.

Clawed Fiends

A unit of huge lumbering daemons.This unit of daemonic warriors form lost kingdom miniatures make a great centrepiece for your daemonic army.

Doomlord of Nukuja

A mighty lord of infernal sorcery of slaughter from lost kingdom miniatures.A stunning centre piece to your army of change

Feldrak Elder

A mighty Feldrak Elder from lost kingdom miniatures.A great centre piece to your army of chaos beasts

Feldraks Regiment

A unit of mighty Feldraks from lost kingdom miniatures.This regiment is available with either Great Weapons or hand weapon and shield


A unit of winged daemons.This unit of daemonic warriors form lost kingdom miniatures make a great centrepiece for your daemonic army.

Heroine Fury

A daemonic heroine from lost kingdom miniatures.Perfect as a hero for your daemonic or army of lust. Alternatively can be used as a champion for a uni...

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